I will be at the Majestic on Woodward in Detroit tomorrow with Babe Miller & his 10-4s. We are playing the after party at the Garden Bowl following Reverend Horton Heat! Stop by for a fun night tomorrow.
It'll be a late night!
Congratulations to Gilbert and Tamara Cotter on their marriage today. I'm happy to have contributed on the violin! Last night was the first live gig with Babe Miller & his 10-4s at Small's in Hamtramck, MI. Check out their Facebook page for news on our next show August 27th.
Thank you Suzan Pleva and Melidy Piano for inviting me to assist in the recital. I can't wait to hear the student performances! I cleaned up my arrangement of Vivaldi's Summer. I pumped it out so fast that I left many errors in the music. If you downloaded it, or the complete Classical book yesterday please redownload it today.
Today I uploaded the third movement of Vivaldi's Summer Violin Concerto to the Downloads page. I had a student refer to this as Vivaldi's Storm, and realized it would be perfect for my electric violin gig next month.
On a side note, I realize I am not able to upload a new piece of music EVERY Monday at the moment, but I will upload music as much as I am able to. |
December 2016